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What Stratum can provide for you...

Analysis to National, State, Zone & Club. Composite subscriptions from all levels. Credit card, Direct Debit, BPay & Manual. Collected centrally or locally

A personalised members area, accessed via the Public Website custom built to display information such as training progression, engagement scores; all specific to your organisation and the individual member profile.

Online Shop
All purchases processed through the e-Commerce site are logged in the database as historical buying behaviour, displaying this information within the member area could prompt future purchases and increase revenue potential.

Full online, secure balloting is available with Stratum which has passed very stringent security testing and is ready for the time when it can be used for every type of ballot required within a union

Simple, easy to use reporting. Visual display through dashboards. Scheduled Reports. Linked spread sheets

eMessaging, Email, SMS, Letter, Full correspondence logging

Join Online
Our comprehensive, intelligent join functionality has the ability to capture any amount of personal data which updates the main database instantly.

Security Groups
At the administration level, user access can be defined through security group settings within the software, ensuring each user only views data appropriate for their specific level.
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Institution success stories
Contact Us
If you are an Institution or Learned Society who has subscription paying members and would like to talk to us in more detail please contact us to talk to a member of our sales team.